PO meeting

20.11.2019 PO meeting.
Laura is our contact person.
Located in Medisiina D.

Whole idea:
MyFlavoria restaurant and cafeteria is owned by Sodexo. Nowadays restaurant has about 800 daily users, aged between 18-70. Most of them are medical students, staff from TYKS and students from other universities. Also minority of users are random visitors.
Health-conscious people are being investigated about what and how they eat based on their experience and by that trying to make people eat healthier.
Based on NFC reader and scale which count the amount of food you are taking on your plate. At the cashier you show the QR code of application which register the nutritional values in the research database anonymously.
Each time, when using the application you get 10 % discount to your account which can be used in cafeteria.

                      To get 400 users by the end of April.
                      Testing weeks 2-6                       
                           Launching weeks 6-10


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